Mayor of Kunming received interview on People's Daily
Zhang Zulin(张祖林),the mayor of Kunming City has received an interview at People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, March 11, 2011.
Q: Various people's hearts have a yearning to visit Yunnan. I asked some of my friends where would they like to travel and all of them replied: Yunnan.
A: Yunnan is really good. Kunming is the capital of the province, where the 4 seasons are warm as spring and called “the spring city”. In 2010, more than 35.5 million tourists have come to Kunming.
Q: The 2011 is the 1st year of the 12th Five Year Plan (2011-2015). How is your feel on China's `two sessions? Is there any difference from former ones?
A: Some state-owned enterprises are developing and their profits are increasing. Some of them may increase incomes of retired and on-the-job workers. Moreover, salaries for teachers and medical personnel in remote areas, ethnic minority areas and poverty-stricken areas may be improved, where will attract professional and technical personnels.
Q: Innovation in public administration has been mentioned in the China's two sessions, which has become a hot topic. How about Kunming?
A: Kunming is a large modern city, while located in mountainous area. Poverty is also included. Among 14 prefecture-level cities, 3 are state supporting ones. Social and regime management systems have been established. Public service system is planed to be improved, covering education, medical care and medicine supply. During the period of the 11th Five Year Plan (2006-2010), 716 thousand jobs have been created and 466 thousand people have got jobs. There are 19 industrial parks in Kunming, including state, provincial, prefectural levels, which cover economy and tourism. More jobs will be created.
Q: How about the solutions for traffic-jam and environmental pollution?
A: Car industry has increasingly developed in Kunming. Constructing new roads is quite necessary. The 1st metro is expected to be formally opened in Kunming in 2011 and another 3 lines are planed to be opened around 2013.
Q: Has Kunming ranked 1st in the nation-level water-saving cities?
A: Yes. It is not easy. In recent 2 years, water-reusing facilities have been constructed. Reused water has been used for watering flowers, washing cars and greening. Meanwhile, rainwater has also been recycled. Kunming has ranked 1st among the 17 nation-level water-saving cities.
Q: What has been achieved in tourism industry in Kunming in recent years?
A: Tourism culture and hot spring have got achievement. The tourism income of 2011 is nearly ¥30 billion. (Editor: Tina He)