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Top things to do in Lijiang to celebrate Chinese New Year

Source: China Daily | 2015-01-13

[InKunming--Yunnan]  Lijiang ancient town, located in Southwest China's Yunnan province, is one of the last surviving ancient towns in China. Because of the warm weather and diverse culture, celebrating Chinese New Year in Lijiang ancient town is a good choice. Here are the top two highly-recommended things to do in Lijiang:

Fairs in the ancient town

In Lijiang ancient town, there are many shops selling all kinds of handicrafts on both sides of the street. Strolling around these shops is a good way to spend the holiday. In Huayufang Street, visitors can buy pets and plants. In Yongchang Street, plenty of Yunnan folk handicrafts are available. If visitors are food lovers, Piaomiao Square is definitely a good choice since many snacks are available here. What’s more, many night fairs with snacks can be found in the ancient town. The stands there are mostly owned by local residents and usually stay open from seven or eight in the evening until midnight or even later. In the night fairs, visitors can have a chance to try the authentic Lijiang local food.

Roasted tomatoes with sugar on display in the night fair [China Daily]

Make New Year wishes and greetings under Yulong Snow Mountain

For the Naxi ethnic group, Yulong Snow Mountain is sacred. The patron saint of the Naxi ethnic group is an embodiment of Yulong Snow Mountain. Yulong Snow Mountain stands northwest of Lijiang. It rises 5,596 meters above sea level with 13 peaks. All year round, the mountain is covered with white snow. Counting down to New Year’s in the face of Yulong Snow Mountain will be a romantic thing to do to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

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