Freight train loaded with coffee heads for Central Europe

A worker loads bags of coffee on an international freight train. [Photo/ Lin Jian]

Scene of news conference about international freight of Hogood coffee. [Photo/ Lin Jian]
[InKunming--Yunnan] An international freight train that takes over 1,000 tons of Yunnan Hogood coffee departed from Kunming to Central Europe on July 1, news released from a news press that was held on June 30.
Hogood coffee, a famous coffee brand in Yunnan Province, covers half market of Yunnan coffee. In 2014, more than 6 tons of Hogood coffee were exported to foreign countries from Yunnan. Trade volume of the coffee last year reached 140 million U.S. dollars.
In previous years, Yunnan coffee was brought out to Europe by ocean shipping, which spent at least 30 days to get to Europe.
However now, Yunnan coffee could be carried out to Central Europe only by 15 days via railway transportation. Mode of international freight train facilitates Yunnan coffee's export process.
In China, the best place for planting coffee is in Yunnan. Yunnan's coffee growing area and yield occupy almost 99% of China's coffee growing area and yield. To coffee industry experts, Yunnan coffee nearly represents a total image of China's coffee. Until 2015, growing area of coffee in Yunnan arrives at over 1.8 million mu; yield of Yunnan coffee achieved 11.8 tons.
Click here to view Chinese report.
(Editors: Cathy Chen, Tracy)