Thai gov't grants free tap water for households during stay-home period to counter COVID-19 pandemic
The Thai Cabinet meeting on Tuesday has resolved to grant free tap water and discounts for households during the stay-home period to counter and prevent COVID-19 infections.
The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (MWA) said in a statement released after the meeting that "tap water will be free of charge for households using water less than 10 cubic meters and 20 percent discount for those who use more than 10 cubic meters, for a period of three months."
The move came in the wake of the curfew period where people were instructed to stay home, as well as to alleviate the burden of utility cost on people affected by the COVID-19 impacts.
Meanwhile, the Provincial Waterworks Authority (PWA) will apply relief measures including 20 percent discounts for all users from April to June except government offices and state enterprises.
The government said the measures to alleviate people's suffering will cost the MWA and PWA around six billion baht (185.2 million U.S. dollars), but it is all worthy as sailing through the current difficult time is vital for the future Thai economy.