In Yunnan, two sessions adjust to pandemic
Participants and conference service personnel underwent health screenings and two coronavirus tests before the start of the provincial two sessions in Yunnan province.
A special team specializing in epidemic prevention and control, as well as medical care, has been set up for the ongoing event. During the conference, the venue will be disinfected regularly and the temperature of anyone going in or out will be checked.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual sessions are being held later than usual. The third session of the 12th Yunnan People’s Political Consultative Conference started on Saturday and runs until Monday. The third session of the 13th People’s Congress of Yunnan province raised its curtain on Sunday. Both are in Kunming.
The province has made various adjustments in light of the pandemic, including shortened meeting times, an optimized agenda and a reduction of the number of people in attendance.
For people who should attend but were unable, the organizing committee opened an online platform so they could fulfill their duties and discuss affairs of government.