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Pandas have birthday party at Yunnan zoo

Source: Yunnan Gateway | 2021-07-28

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Yunnan Wildlife Park had the 7th birthday party for the province's only two pandas of Maozhu and Zhenduo on July 25. The pandas were brought to Kunming from Chengdu, Sichuan province in 2016.

The birthday cake for the pair was made of Hami melon, watermelon and bamboo leaves, all popular panda foods specially prepared by staff members at the park.

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Zhenduo enjoyed the gift a lot, regardless of visitors in the park, but Maozhu had stayed late the night before and overslept in the morning. “His share of cake will be offered when he gets up,” said a staff member.

The birthday party was also joined by over 100 panda fans, for whom the park staff members prepared another cake. “I have been present at their birthday parties yearly, and it is the fifth party in Yunnan this year” said a panda fan.



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