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People visit Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang

Source: Xinhua | 2022-06-28


People visit Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang City, northwest China's Gansu Province, June 27, 2022. (Photo by Zhang Xiaoliang/Xinhua)202206273f582b9ca7d34c2580b116f749c02255_20220627f90215cff5a549c19dd10ff2ae32d388

People visit Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang City, northwest China's Gansu Province, June 27, 2022. (Photo by Zhang Xiaoliang/Xinhua)202206273f582b9ca7d34c2580b116f749c02255_2022062731e7a58e85354d04b0b19a350924a10e

People visit Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang City, northwest China's Gansu Province, June 27, 2022. (Photo by Zhang Xiaoliang/Xinhua)


People visit Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang City, northwest China's Gansu Province, June 27, 2022. (Photo by Zhang Xiaoliang/Xinhua)


People visit Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang City, northwest China's Gansu Province, June 27, 2022. (Photo by Zhang Xiaoliang/Xinhua)

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