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China's COVID response in numbers: Economy to embrace brighter future

Source: GMW.cn | 2023-01-19

China's COVID response in numbers: Economy to embrace brighter future

-- Since the beginning of 2022, China’s economy has withstood the pressure of complex and severe challenges from both at home and abroad, overlapping with multiple facets of uncertainties exceeding expectations. In 2022, China's GDP reached 121,020.7 billion yuan, showing an increase of 3.0% yoy.

China's COVID response in numbers: Economy to embrace brighter future

-- China’s employment stabilization policy continues to gain momentum, with 12.06 million urban jobs created in the year of 2022, outperforming the annual target of 11 million jobs.

China's COVID response in numbers: Economy to embrace brighter future

-- Withstanding high inflationary pressure globally, China’s goods price in general has remained stable, with CPI rising 2% year-on-year in the year of 2022.

China's COVID response in numbers: Economy to embrace brighter future

-- The Human Development Index (HDI) proposed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is measured by indicators such as life expectancy at birth, average years of schooling, gross national income (GNI) per capita, etc., which emphasizes on people’s gains in social and economic development. In 2020 and 2021, the global HDI saw two consecutive years of drop since the index was introduced, nevertheless, in 2021 China moved up six places from 2019 in the Index’s global ranking.

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