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Asian elephants in Kunming Zoo have fun at a new playground

Source: InKunming | 2022-10-09

The living condition of Asian elephants in Kunming Zoo has been improved recently. In the Asian Elephant Area of Kunming Zoo, you can see the mother and daughter of Asian elephants playing on their new playground, a high mound of red earth.


“Kunming Zoo currently has 10 Asian elephants. In order to ensure they have enough space for activity, they are released to play outside in turn,” a staff said. The original sandy soil in the playground is replaced with two mounds of red earth, enriching elephants’ playing facilities. The two mounds allow elephants to show more of their natural behavior and give visitors a chance to see their wild and intelligent nature.


The elephant keeper introduced that the red earth has many benefits for Asian elephants. First, it can protect the elephant’s feet, cushioning the damage that weight does to the joints. Second, the mounds can increase elephant activity, making them climb up and down. Meanwhile, they can use noses to roll up the red earth on their body, which can let their skin resist the harm of ultraviolet light, parasite and mosquito.


The naughty Asian elephants are curious about the red mound. They are lively and lovely, making visitors cheer and laugh.


If you love elephants, come to Kunming Zoo and meet with these cute big guys playing happily on their playground. 


Click here to view Chinese report

(Editors: Christine, Ines)

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