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Kunming ranks 42nd among top 50 talent-attracting cities for Gen Z

Source: InKunming | 2022-12-01

A report which focuses on the trends of job seekers who were born between 1995 and 2009 (also called Generation Z) was released recently. It noted that most Generation Z talents dream of developed cities, and about 50 percent of Generation Z talents seek jobs across cities. In addition, Kunming ranks 42nd among the top 50 talent-attracting cities for Generation Z.

According to the talent-attracting index, Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai rank top 3, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan and Foshan are in the top ten. Kunming ranks 42nd among the top 50 talent-attracting cities for Generation Z. According to the results, Beijing, as the political center, economic center and cultural center, ranks first in the past two years. Shenzhen ranks second and is more attractive to young talents born after 1995 than Shanghai compared to the overall talents.

Click here to view Chinese report

(Editors: Lexi, Christine)

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